Diamond Cut Study
OctoNus Diamond
Cut Initiative
Rough and Polish diamond movies
Master Stone Set
List of all MSS diamonds
Study of Interdependence:
Fancy-color Diamond Appearance, Cut, and Lighting Conditions
Fancy-Color Diamonds:
Better Color Appearance by Optimizing Cut
Computer modeling of gemstones for improvement of their color appearance
Visible adsorption spectra and DiamCalc-files of colored gem materials
DiamCalc Internal Cuts gallery
External Cuts gallery (Dll)
Diamond cuts gallery
Exclusive Cut Design / Diamond Design Bureau

Customers: big cutters, fashion & accessory brands, individuals

Value: exclusivity; cut reflects corporate / personal symbols; cut is optimized for specific illumination

Market: 20-50 new designs + 50 spin-offs / year

The service resembles tailoring suits to fit individual customers and in the same way involves understanding customer needs, design and production stages.

A customer comes up with an idea of how a prospective diamond should look. The Designer uses the Diamond Calculator to construct a new diamond cut, visualize it and adapt the cut for specific requirements (e.g., specific illumination conditions like “my office lighting”). The stone appearance can be verified before manufacturing and agreed with the customer.

When the customer and designer agree upon the new cut, the designer sends the 3D model to the manufacturer in CAD-CAM format. Associated manufacturer makes limited number of diamonds prescribed by the specification. As cut accuracy plays a critical role, associated manufacturer shall be able to reproduce specification parameters with necessary precision.

Number of required stones can vary from one to thousands depending on customer, however typically is close to one to assure cut exclusivity. The manufacturer commits to not disclose the cut parameters to third parties and to not produce identical diamonds for other customers. After the diamond is ready it is shipped to the customer.

Cut Design in 15 slides (PDF)

Diamond Calculator Software

OctoNus Diamond Cut Initiative