Diamond Cut Study
OctoNus Diamond
Cut Initiative
Rough and Polish diamond movies
Master Stone Set
List of all MSS diamonds
Study of Interdependence:
Fancy-color Diamond Appearance, Cut, and Lighting Conditions
Fancy-Color Diamonds:
Better Color Appearance by Optimizing Cut
Computer modeling of gemstones for improvement of their color appearance
Visible adsorption spectra and DiamCalc-files of colored gem materials
DiamCalc Internal Cuts gallery
External Cuts gallery (Dll)
Diamond cuts gallery
Rough and Polish diamond movies
Round MSS13 + Cushion2 movies

How to play movies
Table of content

Round MSS13 + Cushion2: DETAS, Dispersion, IdealScope & ASET pictures

DETAS Dispersion Ideal Scope ASET
MSS13 ETAS* Dynamic (only Mono) Intensity and Size weighted mono = 0.939 MSS13 ETAS Fire Intensity and Size weighted mono = 0.929 MSS13 Light Return mono = 1.035 MSS13 AGS PGS Final deduction = 0
Cushion2 ETAS Dynamic (only Mono) Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.224 Cushion 2 ETAS Fire Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.031 Cushion 2 Light Return mono = 1.173

*The ETAS metrics depend from size of stone strongly. If size of stone MSS13 is 1 ct the metrics will be the following:

ETAS Monochrome Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.06744
ETAS Fire Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.04097
ETAS Fire x DETAS (only Mono) Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.02872
ETAS Dynamic (only Mono) Intensity and Size weighted mono = 1.06354
Light Return mono = 1.03674

Round + Cushion2 movie

Rotation in plane movie
Preview, QuickTime movie 1,74 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 16,5 Mb
Figure of eight movie
Preview, QuickTime movie 1,78 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 20,6 Mb

Table of Content

Round + Cushion2 Office movie

Rotation in plane movie
Preview, QuickTime movie 1,79 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 10,3 Mb
Figure of eight movie
Preview, QuickTime movie 1,80 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 12,5 Mb

Table of Content

Round + Cushion2 Daylight movie

Preview, QuickTime movie 2,63 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 23,5 Mb

Table of Content

Round + Cushion2 movie with Stars

Preview, QuickTime movie 1,56 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 22,3 Mb

Table of Content

Round + Cushion2 movie with Stars and Black background

Preview, QuickTime movie 2,95 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 23,8 Mb

Table of Content

Round + Cushion2 movie with LEDs + 2 Tubes

Preview, QuickTime movie 3,97 Mb
Full size, FLM movie (jpg sequence) 22,8 Mb

Rough and Polish diamond movies: