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What is 3DCalc family and who benefits from it

The clan of 3D CALCULATORS (3DCALC) consists of the three kindred products: DiamCalc - the Diamond Calculator, GemCalc - the Gemstone Calculator and GemAdviser - the Adviser on Gemstones.

All 3DCalc products (DiamCalc, GemCalc and GemAdviser) are unique new generation software, which combine in-depth scientific knowledge of diamond cut properties and breakthrough achievements in ultra-speed computer algorithms with remarkably user-friendly interface.

DiamCalc and GemCalc are designed to provide professionals with the up-to-date support at the key stages of the decision-making regarding a stone:

  • modeling polished gemstones;
  • performing precise calculation of the weight and determination of the cut proportions;
  • presenting ray-tracing in a gemstone;
  • envisioning photo-real image of polished gemstone;
  • realizing different combinations of cut parameters to obtain the best beauty of a stone (luster, brilliance, fire in case of diamond);
  • understanding what is the optimal lighting environment for viewing gemstone in a shop.

At the top of these capabilities DiamCalc has specific features sharpened for the top professional assessment of the diamonds:

  • built-in standard appraisal, which grades diamonds according to the most popular grading systems (AGS, AGA, etc.);
  • build-in advanced appraisal, which, at the top of the standard parameters consideration, identifies and warns about "nail head", "fish eye" and light leakage effects;
  • price list import option;
  • lighting environment takes into account the accurate outline of the observer's body, which allows to fine tune the photo realistic image and thoroughly model effects like "nail head".
GemAdviser provides unbiased support to the amateurs of both diamonds and gemstones to make their wise decision which stone is worth buying. In its judgment GemAdviser goes beyond the informational limits of a standard stone report and analyses a stone value at the professional level.