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DiamCalc Documentation
DiamCalc Howto..
Oxygen Inclusion documentation
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Helium reports documentation
The Gallery
DiamCalc scenarios
Rough and Polish diamond movies
Collection of different parametrical diamond models with IdealScope lighting
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How to check the digital signature

1. Run Windows Explorer. Find the folder with the target file, for example, setcalc2.exe, and select the file. View file properties by menu command File/Properties or just click right mouse button and select Properties from popup menu.

2. In the Properties dialog click on the tab Digital Signatures. In the signature list select the line beginning with OOO OctoNus and click on button Details....

If the Properties dialog does not contain tab Digital Signatures it means that the file was corrupted during the transfer from server or damaged by virus.

3. In the Digital Signature Details you should see the line This digital signature is OK that means that the file is OK, otherwise your file is corrupted.

Attention for users of old Windows versions - Windows 95/98/Me:
The described procedure will not work for files signed after July 15, 2008, because the new type of the signature is used after this date.

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