Helium Scanners
Helium scanners are modern equipment for cutting factories,
laboratories and trade businesses. The product line includes Helium IG, Helium Rough, Helium Tender and
Helium Polish for
scanning roughs and polished diamonds, constructing its 3D-models.
Helium IG is completely automatic plotting system for inclusions VS2-I3. HIG scanner makes set of photos of rough in Immersion Glass with very high depth of sharpness for better viewing of inclusion.
The advanced techniques incorporated in the Helium Rough
system: most advance and accurate Cavity Mapping, thanks to
its dual head scanning technique; localization of 3D-Inclusions
and automatic accounting of their position and clarity group,
optimizing allocation diamonds for value.
Helium Polish scanner determines with high accuracy both
the inclination of a facet and its azimuth. Helium 3D model
reveals major and minor symmetry features.

The software creates different types of reports including