What is GemCalc and who benefits from it
What's new in the GemCalc?
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3DCalc Pro

3DCalc family
What is GemCalc and who benefits

What is GemCalc

GemCalc is modern breakthrough computer software to model polished gemstones, which enables the precise calculation of the weight and determination of the cut proportions.

The program also creates the real (photo-real) image of a polished diamond on the basis of the ray-tracing modeling. GemCalc makes it possible to determine the cut parameters that cannot be measured directly and to select the optimal combination of the parameters to obtain the best perception (luster, brilliance, fire) of the stone.

The optimal lighting environment for the best viewing of a certain gemstone (say in a shop) can be easily developed with the help of lighting design menu of the program.

At the top of mentioned above capabilities GemCalc allows to select the arbitrary refractive index and color, allowing simulating any polished gemstones.

Who benefits from it

GemCalc dramatically increases the efficiency of operations in different areas of jewelry industry and trade:

Cutting: An unlimited number of cut options of a stone can be assessed in terms of gem appearance and key parameters with very high efficiency before the stone is actually cut. This will help to reveal the very best of a gemstone beauty, attractiveness and weight, therefore make the stuff more competitive in the current market.

Trading: The clients are getting nowadays more knowledge about gemstone features and performance, looking for something really worth their money. GemCalc gives an opportunity to present a clear visual enlarged demonstration on gem appearance and properties to a consumer and help to justify the quality, uniqueness and value of the stone, which did attract your client. The demonstration and well-grounded explanations very often support a person's desire to buy.
A photo realistic movie of the gemstone tilting in a variety of directions produced by GemCalc can be used as a consumer's eye grabber, if it is played on a computer, which display is set up on a jewelry store counter or in a shop window.

Training / Education: GemCalc software can be used for both on campus and distance education for those who are preparing to become the experts in virtually all areas of the jewelry business, like cutting, jewelry design, trading, etc.
The maze of a gemstone beauty and value dependence on the gemstone properties and cut parameters quickly becomes much more understandable for those who invested some time in working with GemCalc. This tool combines in-depth scientific knowledge of gem and cut properties and breakthrough achievements in computer sciences with extraordinary Òeasy going interface.

The list of classic topics can be learned on an interactive way with the help of GemCalc:

  • Study most popular cut shapes and visit the libraries of unusual ones;
  • Discover how the gem properties like refractive index, dispersion, absorption spectrum, optic axes, double refractive, different types of pleochroism, polarization, etc. impact the way gem looks;
  • Understand how the cut parameters influence the appearance of the stone and challenge the current recommendations on cut angles at absolutely no expense on spoilt specimen;
  • Study the ray tracing in cut stone;
  • Find out how differently gem looks under different lighting conditions;
  • Master the modern cutting process by using the advanced reference database on gemstone features and photo realistic modeling of the final product before the stone is cut.

Main features

GemCalc is expressly sharpened for the work with color gemstones and gives unique power for:

Consider different types of gemstones (with different refractive index (RI) and dispersion)
GemCalc allows to work not just with diamonds (as DiamCalc did) but also perform the calculations and get photo-realistic images of the different gemstones, like sapphire, ruby, emerald, tanzanite, garnet, etc. The type of gemstone can by selected from the list of more than 20 most popular gem materials, provided by GemCalc (this list will be extended). In this case the standard parameters of the stone (RI, dispersion, etc.) are downloaded for the calculations. Besides this, the user has the opportunity to change manually gem material characters according to external information available about a certain stone. There is also a possibility to create his own new stuff with optional figures for RI and dispersion. The average figures for RI and dispersion can be used as well as spectral distribution for RI.

Bring in different hues, tones and saturation
This option provides the user with a choice of different hues, tones and saturation of the selected stone. They can be either picked up from the list of the prevailing gem colors, provided by GemCalc, or specified by absorption spectrum on the basis of the external information available (for example, the spectrometer data).

Review lighting conditions
Color change effect like demonstrated by Alexandrite can be modeled by GemCalc. The user has the opportunity to review the gem appearance choosing the light sources with different spectrums, like sunlight, daylight, daylight lamp or incandescent lamp light. These light sources are usually considered as white light sources, however, each of them gives a certain hue to the stone color.


Take into account a color adaptation of a human eye
GemCalc allows seeing the appearance of the gems, which are lighted with the source that is different to what a human eye is adapted to. For example, how the client will see the color gems at the jewelry shop window if the gems are lighted with quartz-halogen bulb and the client's eyes are adapted to the sunlight? Just challenge GemCalc to get the answer!

Pick up new fancy cuts and create new ones
External libraries for fancy cuts can be used for downloading into GemCalc. For example, we would refer to the GemCad cut list. If you want to load fancy cuts from other sources please contact our service for assistance. There is also an option to develop a new cut within GemCad software and import the cut into the GemCalc program. Then GemCalc gives you the possibility to examine the overall appearance of your creature and perform the fine tuning of the cut to get the best appearance.

Dramatically reduce your time for calculations and reference search
Apart from the breakthrough possibilities provided to you by GemCalc and described above, it also supplies you with a user-friendly comprehensive reference database of gem materials properties (specific gravity, RI, absorption, etc.) and cut parameters worth half a dozen of dusty folios, which strive to shut immediately when you just turn away.

What's new in the GemCalc 1.3?