Updates in the interface
- The default contrast of objects in the 3D-scenes is increased.
- Oxygen Viewer has now an additional mode "wire model"
displaying the rough as wire-frame model.
- Tree panel allows delete multiple solutions. Select the solutions
you want delete using mouse and Shift or Ctrl keys. Press the
"Del" key. You will be asked for confirmation before
the solutions will be deleted. The group of solution can be deleted
as well. If the group item will be selected for deletion then
the entire group with all its solution will be deleted regardless
of the selected/unselected solutions of this group.
- The "Apply basis" button in the photo panel now change
not only the position but also the size of the 3D-model in the
scene so the size of the 3D object in the scene corresponds to
the size of the diamond on the photo. If your photo is displayed
in the left-upper scene then you can apply the basis of the photo
to the right-upper scene without change of the active scene.
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