What is ViBox and who benefits from it
Versions history
ViBox movies gallery

Octonus Stereo Viewer free version
ViBox Download
Octonus Stereo Viewer download
DiBox 2.0
GemAdviser Free Version
Helium IG
Helium Polish
Helium Rough
Helium Tender
M-Box 2.0
M-Box 1.5
Oxygen DZ
Oxygen HIG
Oxygen Immersion
Oxygen Inclusion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Oxygen Viewer Free Version
Oxygen XRay Server
Pacor Client
Stereo Viewer Free Version

PACOR - Advanced Computer technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds
Laser Mapping of Concavities
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Technology patent "A method and apparatus for locating inclusions in a diamond stone"
Immersion Glass
What is ViBox and who benefits

What is ViBox?

Video Box allows the manufacturer to prepare images and movies for the diamond and diamond jewelry.

The diamonds are unique due to their breath taking brilliance, fire and scintillating performance. The value of the diamond depends on 4Cs, namely Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. In this regard, the Lab grading reports and their numerical data are incomprehensible to most retailers and consumers. So a better way to raise efficiency of diamond sales via on-line business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) is via high quality images, especially video. Images tell only half the story, as most of the beauty attributes are dynamic and can be appreciated in stereo environment. So a dynamic display of the polish diamond can greatly improve on-line apprising.

Movies made by diamond cutting manufacturers can be used to sell diamonds business to business, provided a consistent standard is maintained. The very same movie can be used by a retailer to sell a diamond to his consumer..

ViBox page and examples of videos on Lexus web-site
Features and Specifications (PDF)


Related Software
ViBox Software, Octonus Stereo Viewer
See more details in Process Flow table below


ViBox device allows creating high quality video of diamonds and jewelry pieces with great ease and consistency. The movies thus generated tells the true and understandable story to the retail buyer / trader. At the same time, it will appropriately fascinate the end buyer. Very detailed high dynamic range images and video shows many significant diamond features including color, impurities, imperfection, and performance attributes like contrast, scintillations, fire, and many others.

  • Creates consistent high quality images and movies highlighting all the features you will like to see.
  • Quick and programmable lighting environment to demonstrate imperfections and/or the beauty attributes.
  • Can create stereo movies, which can help buyers to understand the diamond completely while making an on-line decision.
  • Custom white balance and color temperature option to show the correct color hue and saturation to the on-line buyer.
  • HDR tone mapped images to match human observation.
  • Various trajectories of the diamond movement. The diamond can be rocked face up in a movement of 8, or can be made to turn 360° or can be swung sideways to adjustable tilt angle.
  • Exporting video into most of the modern formats or jpeg series.
  • Pre-defined and custom presets for camera settings and video formats.
  • Loose as well as the mounted diamonds can be pictured.
  • For large jewelry pieces, Multilfocus HDR images helps match human observation.
  • OctoNus Stereo Viewer free version specially built to play diamond and jewelry movies.
  • Movie merge facility to compare 2 or more diamonds at one time.
  • Possibility to add “Watermark”, to move ahead in branding.

ViBox movies gallery

Salient features

  • Comparison of Diamond
  • Understanding purity
  • Understanding color
  • E-marketing / E-trading
  • Reduce cost of shipping and avoid loss of opportunity
  • Making catalog
  • Preparing multi focus HDR images for jeweler files

Which Diamond/Jewelry pieces are suitable for movie making?

  • Every piece of polished loose or mounted diamond can be imaged and photographed in ViBox. Rings and ear studs can also be easily pictured. Special fixtures can be developed to picture large jewelry pieces like Bangles, Neck lash, etc.
  • Colorless to fancy color diamonds can be photographed to depict its correct color and saturation.

Which Camera and Lens will be used?

ViBox is developed to work with Canon DSLR camera & Macro lens. We will supply the detail specification of the camera and lens on demand.


Weight 40 kg
Dimension (LxWxH) 500 x 480 x 860 mm
Supply 220 VAC, 50 HZ, 1 Phase
Computer System Intel Core i7
Operating Systems Windows7-32bit


ViBox download
Octonus Stereo Viewer download

Octonus Stereo Viewer Documentation Wiki

Related products and Process Flow

Steps / Process Old process

Without Immersion Glass

Modern process

With Immersion Glass

Scan / Estimate rough during purchase Helium Tender

Scanning or Preliminary scanning of 3D Model of rough
Scanning of rough Helium Rough

Scanning 3D Model of rough
Software for working with Helium Rough and Helium Tender scanners Helium Rough Software download
Immersion Glass Molding Not available

Immersion Glass

In this technology, Immersion Glass material is used. Immersion Glass is the material having nearly same Refractive Index value as Diamond and is solid at Room temperature and melts to liquid at around 100°C. We can heat Immersion Glass and Diamond in cubical mold so glass and diamond will become a single entity and reflections of inclusions will be removed. Due to absence of reflections, plotting on M-Box is more precise, very easy and can be done by even non-experienced operator.

Immersion Glass cubical mold Scanning Not available Helium Rough

Scanning 3D Model of Immersion Glass cubical mold with rough inside
Plotting of Inclusions Making set of photos on Helium Rough scanner. Then inclusion including VS to I can be plotted manually on M-Box/Helium Rough photos. Helium IG (HIG)

Completely Automatic Plotting System for Inclusions  VS2-I3

HIG uses 3D model obtained on Helium Rough.

HIG makes set of photos with very high depth of sharpness for better viewing of inclusion.

Software for working with HIG scanner - Oxygen HIG Software
Further plotting of Inclusions on M-Boxes M-Box or M-Box 1.5

M-Box - 5 Axis-Microscopic inclusion mapping system for Helium Rough

M-Box 1.5 - 6 Axis Motorised M-Box with Stereo Viewing through Oculars
M-Box 2.0

M-Box2.0 - 6 Axes - Completely Motorized Microscopic - 3D Automatic Inclusion Plotting System

Software for working with M-Boxes Oxygen Immersion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Software for working with projects from M-Boxes Oxygen Inclusion
Software for allocation and planning

Pacor Client - Detecting the most profitable option of rough marking.
Oxygen D-Z - D to Z color estimation: Enhancing value while planning/optimizing.

Scanning and grading diamonds

Helium Polish - Scanning 3D Model of diamond. Creating detailed reports.

Rapid making high quality photos and videos of polished diamonds

DiBox - Rapid Photography System captures images of polished diamonds under various structured lighting environment and make it ready for Printing or web publishing.
DiBox 2.0 - Rapid Photography System captures images and movies of polished diamonds under various structured lighting environment and make it ready for Printing or web publishing.

Making 3D video and photo of diamonds

ViBox - The Video Box allows the manufacturer to prepare images and movies 3D for the diamond and diamond jewelry.

Visualizing of 3D models of polished diamonds and other gemstones, grading and making reports

DiamCalc - For jewelers,diamonds graders,sale specialists dealing with diamonds and diamond jewelry, manufacturers,technologists

Free software for visualizing of 3d models of diamonds, exploring solutions, for 3d video of diamonds and jewelry GemAdviser Free Version

Oxygen Viewer Free Version

Stereo Viewer Free Version