2011-2018 |
Project name: Stereo Viewer
Description: Software for playing movies and stereo movies in FLM format or series of photos in JPG or BMP formats.
2006-2018 |
Project name: MBox
Description: Microscopic Inclusion mapping system.
2004-2018 |
Project name: Helium Rough
Description: System for rough scanning and optimization of diamonds cutting. Customers
2002-2018 |
Project name: Helium Polish
Description: Cut grading system.
Customers |
2000-2018 |
Project name: Oxygen
Description: System for optimization of rough diamonds cutting.
Tools: Visual C++ 6.0 (for Win9x, NT, XP) |
1999-2017 |
Project name: Diamond Calculator
Description: Software for precise calculation of the diamond weight and determination of the proportions.
Customers: More than 400 customers. |
1998-1999 |
Description: System for information support of polished diamonds certification.
Tools: Delphi 3.0, Windows 95/NT, Microsoft SQL Server.
Customers: Used by Assay Office of Russian Federation. |
1991-2007 |
Project name: Pacor
Description: Advanced Computer Technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds.
Tools: DOS-extender, C++, i386 Assembly i386.
1997-1999 |
Project name: Diamond 3DBook. Joint project with MSU Gemological Center.
Description: Interactive learning tool on diamonds.
Tools: DHTML, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director, Active X, JavaScript.
1998-2004 |
Project name: Joint project with SkyScan (Belgium).
Description: Software for reconstruction, visualization and analysis of 3D models based on tomographical sections. Used model in not a voxel one.
Tools: MFC, OpenGL.
1997-1998 |
Project name: Software support for digital telephony mini-switch (ISDN).
Description: Multi-processor system based on SHARC DSPs.
Tools: Windows NT, AIX, C, C++, ADSP-21000 family Assembly, LabView.
Customers: Super PC International (USA).
1997-1998 |
Project name: Joint project with Tora-Centre and Sekvester.
Description: BackOffice software for stock market.
Tools: Delphi 3.0, Windows 95/NT, Microsoft SQL.
1996-1997 |
Project name: Booker
Description: Warehousing system for two-level store.
Tools: Delphi 2.0, Paradox, Windows 95/NT.
Customers: Argument-M Ltd.
1996 |
Project name: RORC
Description: Software for market studies through WWW - IIS.
Tools: IIS, Microsoft SQL Server, ODBC, NeXTSTEP.
Customers: Neuralog (US).
1996 |
Description: Demo version of space flight planning system.
Tools: NeXTSTEP, Oracle 7.0.
Customers: Space Flight Control Center.