What is Helium Polish and who benefits from it
What is new in the Helium Polish?
Versions history
Documentation for Helium Polish releases
Advantages for analyzing girdle asymmetry and removing girdle asymmetry
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Measuring diameter of girdles with a conical shape, "CZ" sample
Photoreal image of Helium Polish 3D model
What is new in the Helium Polish reports?
Reports history

Customizing printing and viewing reports
Customizing export data
Customizing MS Word report templates
Customizing internal text report template
Helium Polish Illustrated reports (one page reports)
Reports for semipolished diamonds and arbitrary cuts
Recut reports
Helium Polish download

Helium Polish Highlights (PDF)
Helium Polish system manual (PDF)
Helium reports documentation (PDF)
Cut parameters
Creating and customizing pricelists (PDF)
DiBox 2.0
GemAdviser Free Version
Helium IG
Helium Polish
Helium Rough
Helium Tender
M-Box 2.0
M-Box 1.5
Oxygen DZ
Oxygen HIG
Oxygen Immersion
Oxygen Inclusion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Oxygen Viewer Free Version
Oxygen XRay Server
Pacor Client
Stereo Viewer Free Version

PACOR - Advanced Computer technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds
Laser Mapping of Concavities
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Technology patent "A method and apparatus for locating inclusions in a diamond stone"
Immersion Glass
What is Helium Polish and who benefits

What is Helium Polish?

The Helium Polish diamond scanner is a modern device for cutting factories, laboratories and dealers. When a diamond is scanned with Helium an accurate 3D-model is constructed for the angle of inclination and the azimuth. This 3D model allows accurate visualization and realistic images to be produced that can show small distortions of symmetry and to use the output with various systems of appraisal. The program creates user-defined reports including that you can make with whichever selection you choose from the information in the detailed Helium report.

Existing scanners measure facet angles using a silhouette approach. But a facet has more than just an inclination, to properly describe it, we also need to know its orientation - what we call its azimuth. The Helium 3D-model also includes such elements as additional facets.

Helium Polish page on Lexus web-site
Helium Polish Features and Specifications (PDF)
Computer Specifications (PDF)

Documentation for Helium Polish releases

See related Software and Hardware in Process Flow table below

What is new ?

October 23, 2015 - Helium Polish is released.

  • New cutting type HEART to differ from Pear.
  • Improvement of TRIANGLE determination. We still are working under correct width/length and table width/length calculation - this will be added in next version.
  • New parameter ALN is added to reports.
  • Wrong determination of some samples as Pear instead of Oval is fixed.
  • Some other improvements of determination of facets type for RBC.
  • Problem with missing values for Cushion in Grouping pictures is fixed.
  • Problem with visible and invisible edges color is fixed.
  • Change in calculation of ideal position for pictures Pavilion/crown painting and deviation of pavilion/crown main facets azimuths angles from their ideal positions for the round brilliant.
  • Bug with wrong detection of semi-polished Heart is fixed.
  • Culet determination is changed to fix problem where extra-facet was determined as culet.
  • Bug with export of DMC from Helium Polish is fixed.

More details...


Download Helium Polish

Main features

There are two core distinctions between the Helium scanner and other scanner models:

1. Helium scanner determines with high accuracy both the inclination of a facet and its azimuth.
2. Helium 3D model reveals major and minor symmetry features

Photo of the diamond Helium model with the photo Photo of the diamond Helium model with the photo
Photo of the diamond Helium model with the photo Photo of the diamond Helium model with the photo

Open 3D model* of the scanned diamond with major and minor symmetry features

3D model of round brilliant created by Helium polish is enough to estimate optic and minor symmetry quality. You can export 3D model to DiamCalc software and explore it. DiamCalc allows creating photoreal image of Helium Polish 3D model.

The system scanns different distortions, for example girdles with a conical shape, and calculating parameters more correct than manual measurements.

Very detailed reports display most of physical features of the polished diamond, including "Minimum Inscribed Circle - MIC", Error in radial roundness, Kozibe, Fish eye angle, Spread, Out of shape, Inclination + Azimuth angle of all the halves, Crown and Pavilion painting type and many other.

View all parameters and illustrations obtained by Helium Polish in the report:

MS Word Full report for polished brilliant (0,37 ct)

Helium Polish creates model of diamonds with any cutting by DLL and ASCII files.



HP 4.4 Digital HP 8.5 Digital HP 17 Digital HP 23 Digital HP 34 Digital HP 47 Digital

Field of view

3.3 x 4.4mm 6.6 x 8.7mm 13.2 x 17.4mm 17.7 x 23.6mm 26.4 x 34.8mm 35 x 47mm

Polish size

1.0 - 4.3mm

2.3 - 8.5mm

4.5 - 17mm

5.0 - 23mm

9.0 - 34mm

10 - 47mm

3D-model accuracy

3.2 microns

6.5 microns

13 microns

15 microns

26 microns

30 microns

Projected RBC range

0.004 to 0.30ct

0.05 to 2.00ct

0.35 to 18.00ct

0.50 to 45.00ct

3.00 to 140.00ct

5.00 to 450ct

Projected Marquise Range


0.09 to 0.60ct

0.60 to 4.5ct

0.90 to 11ct

5.00 to 35ct

9.00 to 110ct

Diamond types

Any Cuts

ReCut option


Print reports

Available, very detailed + user-defined

Mfg. Warranty

24 months

Service Warranty

12 months


HP 4.4 Digital HP 8.5 Digital HP 17 Digital HP 23 Digital HP 34 Digital HP 47 Digital
Lens 2x 1 : 1 1 : 2 1 : 4
CCD camera 2/3"
Weight 13 kg 19 kg 25 kg 25 kg
Dimensions L x W x H 53cm x 16cm x 21cm 70cm x 16cm x 21cm 90cm x 16cm x 21cm 90cm x 16cm x 21cm
Operating Systems Windows 7 - 32bit
Power consumption 220V 50Hz 300W
Computer requirements View PDF

Helium Polish reports

MS Word Illustrated report for brilliant   PDF

Illustrated report for polished brilliant

MS Word Illustrated report for cushion   PDF

Illustrated report for cushion


Helium Polish software allows creating and customizing reports for round brilliant, marquise, oval, pear, princess, step cuts, cushion, radiants and any cuts for polished and semipolished diamonds. More examples of reports:

Helium Polish Illustrated reports (one page reports)

Processing time for diamonds

Method (precision) Quantity of contours Time of scan mode, sec Time of build mode, sec* Total time, sec
Quick 100 5 3 8
Optimum 200 10 4 14
Accuracy 400 20 6 26
Hi accuracy 800 40 10 50

*Time of work is measured by the diamonds: symmetrical RBC 0.55 ct or asymmetrical RBC 0.37 ct. Time of build mode depends on quantity of dust on the stone surface and mass and cutting form of stones, it can change from time to time within the limits of 5 sec. Time is measured on Helium Polish system HP 8.5 and computer AMD Dual Core 2.4GHz, 2Gb RAM or Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 2.13Ghz, 4Gb RAM.

Related products and Process Flow

Steps / Process Old process

Without Immersion Glass

Modern process

With Immersion Glass

Scan / Estimate rough during purchase Helium Tender

Scanning or Preliminary scanning of 3D Model of rough
Scanning of rough Helium Rough

Scanning 3D Model of rough
Software for working with Helium Rough and Helium Tender scanners Helium Rough Software download
Immersion Glass Molding Not available

Immersion Glass

In this technology, Immersion Glass material is used. Immersion Glass is the material having nearly same Refractive Index value as Diamond and is solid at Room temperature and melts to liquid at around 100°C. We can heat Immersion Glass and Diamond in cubical mold so glass and diamond will become a single entity and reflections of inclusions will be removed. Due to absence of reflections, plotting on M-Box is more precise, very easy and can be done by even non-experienced operator.

Immersion Glass cubical mold Scanning Not available Helium Rough

Scanning 3D Model of Immersion Glass cubical mold with rough inside
Plotting of Inclusions Making set of photos on Helium Rough scanner. Then inclusion including VS to I can be plotted manually on M-Box/Helium Rough photos. Helium IG (HIG)

Completely Automatic Plotting System for Inclusions  VS2-I3

HIG uses 3D model obtained on Helium Rough.

HIG makes set of photos with very high depth of sharpness for better viewing of inclusion.

Software for working with HIG scanner - Oxygen HIG Software
Further plotting of Inclusions on M-Boxes M-Box or M-Box 1.5

M-Box - 5 Axis-Microscopic inclusion mapping system for Helium Rough

M-Box 1.5 - 6 Axis Motorised M-Box with Stereo Viewing through Oculars
M-Box 2.0

M-Box2.0 - 6 Axes - Completely Motorized Microscopic - 3D Automatic Inclusion Plotting System

Software for working with M-Boxes Oxygen Immersion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Software for working with projects from M-Boxes Oxygen Inclusion
Software for allocation and planning

Pacor Client - Detecting the most profitable option of rough marking.
Oxygen D-Z - D to Z color estimation: Enhancing value while planning/optimizing.

Scanning and grading diamonds

Helium Polish - Scanning 3D Model of diamond. Creating detailed reports.

Rapid making high quality photos and videos of polished diamonds

DiBox - Rapid Photography System captures images of polished diamonds under various structured lighting environment and make it ready for Printing or web publishing.
DiBox 2.0 - Rapid Photography System captures images and movies of polished diamonds under various structured lighting environment and make it ready for Printing or web publishing.

Making 3D video and photo of diamonds

ViBox - The Video Box allows the manufacturer to prepare images and movies 3D for the diamond and diamond jewelry.

Visualizing of 3D models of polished diamonds and other gemstones, grading and making reports

DiamCalc - For jewelers,diamonds graders,sale specialists dealing with diamonds and diamond jewelry, manufacturers,technologists

Free software for visualizing of 3d models of diamonds, exploring solutions, for 3d video of diamonds and jewelry GemAdviser Free Version

Oxygen Viewer Free Version

Stereo Viewer Free Version