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Test CPU performance of the Pacor, Helium Rough and Oxygen Software
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Oxygen Microscope Documentation (PDF)
Customizing Oxygen Customer Reports
Customizing Oxygen / DiamCalc Polish reports

Creating and customizing appraisers (PDF)
Creating and customizing pricelists (PDF)
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GemAdviser Free Version
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Helium Polish
Helium Rough
Helium Tender
M-Box 2.0
M-Box 1.5
Oxygen DZ
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Oxygen Inclusion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Oxygen Viewer Free Version
Oxygen XRay Server
Pacor Client
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PACOR - Advanced Computer technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds
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Technology patent "A method and apparatus for locating inclusions in a diamond stone"
Immersion Glass
Oxygen reports
Customizing Oxygen Customer Reports

Oxygen Customer reports are available in Oxygen since version 3.0 (19 March, 2010).

Oxygen Customer report is a list of solutions annotated with some additional information: report creation date, rough stone ID, rougth weight and scale of diamonds images in the report. Every solution is represented as a table, it contains general information about solution and its diamonds. Every diamond is represented as a table also, it contains diamond information.

Formatting of solutions, diamonds and other report items are defined in template file.

Report templates are placed in the CustomerReportTemplates folder. The general path is:

[Application Data]\OctoNus Software\CustomerReportTemplates\

For example in default Windows XP installation the path is:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\OctoNus Software\CustomerReportTemplates\

To open folder CustomerReportTemplates press button in Print report window.

Template file is a .doc or .rtf file. Selected template file is scanned by software during report generation: the table of solutions is cloned for all the solutions, and table of diamonds is cloned for all diamonds in all solutions. The tables are marked with special bookmarks in a special manner. Properties of solution and diamond, placed in theese tables, are also marked with special bookmark.

There is a full list of all available bookmarks. Use any of theese bookmarks, but SOLUTIONTABLE, DIAMONDTABLE and DIAMONDPLACEINSOLUTIONTABLE are nesessary.

REPORTDATE - date when report is generated. It should be placed outside of solution and diamond tables.

ROUGHID- ID of rough stone. It should be placed ouside of solution and diamondtables.

ROUGHWEIGHT - weight of rough stone, in carats. It should be placed ouside of solution and diamond tables.

REPORTSCALE - scale of images presented in the report, as compared with the original diamond size. It should be placed ouside of solution and diamond tables.

SOLUTIONTABLE - this bookmark is required. It marks 1 or more symbols in the first cell of Solutions table (first cell is a cell placed in the first row in the first column). With this bookmark, report generator understands which of template elements is a solution table.

SOLUTIONNAME - name of solution. It should be placed in solution table.

SOLUTIONPRICE - full solution price. It should be placed in solution table.

DIAMONDPLACEINSOLUTIONTABLE - this bookmark is required. It marks the place in solution table row, where diamond table will be placed. Diamond table should be placed in a single row of solution table. This row with formatting will be copied for every diamond table of solution. The bookmark should be placed in this single row.

DIAMONDTABLE - this bookmark is required. It marks 1 or more symbols in the first cell of the Diamond table. Diamond table should be placed in a single row of solution table. This row with formatting will be copied for every diamond table of solution.

DIAMONDCUTTING - name of cutting of diamond. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDWEIGHT - weight of diamond, in carars. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDCLARITY - clarity of diamond. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDCOLOR - diamond color. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDGRADE - grade of diamond. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDPRICE - price of diamond. It should be placed in diamond table.

DIAMONDPIC1, DIAMONDPIC2, …, DIAMONDPIC9 - image of diamond, REPORTSCALE bookmark. The scale is chosen as the biggest possible. Note, image has a predefined physical size 30% of page width, so provide enough place for it in the diamond table.

For DIAMONDPICN, where N is a number in range 1…9, is possible to customize parameters of diamond image, such as lighting, position and mode. Customization is performed according to content of the correspondent bookmark. The text between start ans end of the corresponding bookmark is analyzed, and diamond image is generated with specified properties from a fixed list. Properties should be listed in arbitrary order, delimited with space, comma or semicolon.

For example:

Inclusions; Top; HDR Default

There is a list of all possible properties below. Words are case-sensitive:

Image type:

  • Photorealistic
  • Inclusions
  • InclusionsOnly
  • InclusionsSchematic

Diamond position:

  • Top
  • Pavilion
  • TableUp
  • TableDown


  • Office
  • Disco
  • IdealScope
  • ASET30Black
  • HeartsAndArrows
  • AlGilbertsonWhite
  • DarkField
  • OfficeNoDispersion
  • HDRDiscoII
  • HDRDefault
  • PreferredLighting

Special value PreferredLighting means that lighting can be selected by user in the Reports dialog from menu File / Create customer report….

If any property of image is not specified then the default value is used. Default values are Photorealistic, Top, PreferredLighting.