February 23, 2007 - Oxygen Inclusion 1.5.2 is released.
The new features:
- Edit appraiser utility
- Double sandwich
- The sandwich feature allows SI3/I1/I2 layers
- When sandwich is created the "ex-parts"
are automatically assigned with the desired clarity (clarity that
user selected in the "make sandwich" window)
- In the "Clarity" window the program check the status
of the inclusion. In appropriate cases program advices to leave
the clarity intact (in these cases user should not change clarity
according to size-based clarity but should leave the value that
was specified in the "Make sandwich" window)
Edit appraiser utility
This utility allows correct the appraiser data. Open it from the
panel Current Cut parameters appraiser:
1) You can select the appraisers you want to edit from the list
2) Set a different discount for a cut quality
3) Setting a numerical range for a gradation of parameter
4) Set a range for a parameter in a quality group by different
5) Edit fixed cuts
Read how to edit a file with appraisers
Double sandwich
"Shell" sandwich feature is extended with ability to
create an extra medium layer "double sandwich".