] sections
These sections are optional and specify the attributes of report pictures that require additional attributes. The number in the section name does not have a special meaning. It just enumerates sections. Helium software supports up to 100 sections of this type.
PictureID: This key is mandatory.
It should contain the tag of the picture ROUGH_REPORT_MODEL or PIECE_REPORT_MODEL
or DIAMOND_REPORT_MODEL written in capital letters. The picture
with the ROUGH_REPORT_MODEL tag contains a model of the rough diamond
with all inscribed diamonds in it and all sawing planes and all
inclusions. The picture with the PIECE_REPORT_MODEL tag contains
a model of a piece of the rough diamond cut by the sawing plane
with diamonds that were inscribed in that piece and inclusions that
are located within that piece if any. Helium software sorts rough
pieces by the weight of the diamonds inscribed into the piece. At
first goes the piece with the largest inscribed diamond. The picture
with the DIAMOND_REPORT_MODEL tag contains a model of the inscribed
diamond and inclusions that are located within that diamond if any.
FileNameEMF: This key is optional. It should have the file name for the picture in the Windows Enhanced-Format Metafile. If this key is not specified, the corresponding EMF file will not be created or updated.
FileNameBMP, FileNamePNG, FileNameGIF: This key is optional. It should have the file name for the picture in the Windows Bitmap Format (BMP) or Portable Network Graphics Format (PNG) or Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). The Helium software creates uncompressed true-color BMP images, compressed true-color PNG images and compressed 8-bit color GIF images. If this key is not specified, the corresponding file will not be created or updated. If this key is specified, two more keys should be specified also: Width, Height.
Width, Height: These keys should be specified if the FileNameBMP or FileNamePNG or FileNameGIF key is present. They specify the maximum width and height of the raster image with the report picture in pixels. The actual picture will fit into the given dimensions preserving the aspect ratio.
PieceNumber: This key is mandatory if the PictureID key is equal to PIECE_REPORT_MODEL. It specifies the number of the piece of the rough diamond to be drawn on the picture.
DiamondNumber: This key is mandatory if the PictureID key is equal to DIAMOND_REPORT_MODEL. It specifies the number of the diamond to be drawn on the picture.
X, Y, Z: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. It is the angle of rotation of the 3D model around X, Y, Z axis in degrees before making the final image. This attribute allows to create various views of the same model.
RoughVisibleEdgesColorR, RoughVisibleEdgesColorG, RoughVisibleEdgesColorB: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. It is the angle of rotation of the 3D model around X, Y, Z axis in degrees before making the final image. This attribute allows to create various views of the same model.
SawColorR, SawColorG, SawColorB: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. They specify the RGB color for drawing the sawing plane over the 3D model of the rough diamond.
InclusionColorR, InclusionColorG, InclusionColorB: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. They specify the RGB color for drawing inclusions on pictures.
SawColorR, SawColorG, SawColorB: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. They specify the RGB color for drawing the sawing plane over the 3D model of the rough diamond.
InclusionColorR, InclusionColorG, InclusionColorB: These keys are optional. If the key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. They specify the RGB color for drawing inclusions on pictures.
RoughOutline: This key is optional. If this key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. It specifies the way of drawing rough models. If this key is zero, all visible edges of the model will be drawn, if this key is not zero, only the outline of the model will be drawn.
ReflectionCount: This key is optional. If this key is not specified it is assumed to be zero. It specified the way of drawing inclusions on pictures. If this key is equal to -1, inclusions are not drawn. If this key is equal to 0, inclusions will be drawn without any distortions caused by light refraction or reflection. If this key is equal to 1, each inclusion is drawn taking refraction of the light into account. If this key is equal to 2 or more, each inclusion is drawn taking into account light refraction and light reflections (1 or more accordingly).
InclusionSize: This key is optional. If this key is not specified it is assumed to be equal to 100. It specified the scale for drawing inclusions. The default value of 100 (percents) may be increased or decreased to produce the most appropriate size of inclusions on the picture. For example, the value 200 will make inclusions drawn two times larger than default.
ModelIncrease: This key is optional. If this key is specified it defines the scale for drawing diamonds inside the rough model. All diamonds are magnified according to this setting and intersected with the rough model. It allows to highlight areas on the diamond that come close to the rough model surface. For example, if ModelIncrease=102, diamonds are magnified in 1.02 times.