7. New buttons UnDo, ReDo and New are available in the Cut Designer |
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New buttons UnDo, ReDo and New are available in the Cut Designer main window
To undo and redo use buttons UnDo and ReDo
To reset all settings and create new cutting press button New
You may have tried to explain the benefits of DiamCalc to friends and associates. There is a powerful free demo version. It is available for download here:
The demo version contains three examples:
- Marquise - parametric cut demo
- Cushion - vivid color demo
- Crack - inclusions demo
To open example select it from menu Files:
The Demo enables all HDR rendering features for the limited included examples.
Restriction of Demo version: files can not be saved and loaded, but the marquise proportions can be adjusted to see how DiamCalc can benefit colour enhancement by controlling the cut. The brilliant that demonstrates the Inclusion viewer however does not enable proportions to be changed.
Cut Designer allows to start creating cut using arbitrary 3D stone model as a preform. It is possible loading preform from DMC, ASCII, scanned MMD and others. This option can be used either for cut creating on the basis of existing cuts or as instrument for recutting design. Especially useful for recutting is the option of viewing the photorealistic image of the stone immediately during editing the model form.
To load preform - any diamonds shape into Cut Designer:
- Open file with desired preform in the DiamCalc main window
- Open Cut Designer
- Press button Custom Preform
- Desired preform appears in the Cut designer window
- Now work with loaded preform as usual
- It is possible while working in Cut Designer to view the photorealistic image of edited diamond
- Button Flip does not work with loaded preforms
- Some times using Step Layerprovides unexpected results for non convex shapes
ETAS, DETAS and Statistics diagrams are now available in the main DiamCalc window.
To open one of the new-added modes press button
and select mode from the list of diamond representation types:
- Dynamic ETAS*
- Ray path statistics diagrams
- Chromatic dispersion statistics diagrams
- Intensity weighted dispersion statistics diagrams
*The ETAS and DETAS was previously displayed only in the panel View HDR Panorama \ ETAS
ETAS (Effective Total Angular Size of a diamond) mode indicates the probability for a small light source to be seen through the diamond.
Fire is an estimate of probability for colored dispersed light to be seen due to chromatic dispersion of the light source caused by the crystal.
Light sources are assumed to be located at the sphere of 2000 mm radius around the diamond's center which was chosen as a common distance from the diamond to light sources.
DETAS (Dynamic ETAS) mode is ETAS that considers a diamond in motion of 2 degrees of tilt in the north south orientation as if the stone was moved away from the observer. While tilting, a diamond scans the space around it, thus increasing the probability to see a light source.
As the diamond is tilted it scans the space around it, thus increasing the probability of seeing a light source.
The stripes in the DETAS are the trails of ETAS spots that crawl across the sphere as the diamond is tilted away by 2 degrees from its initial face up position. The color represents the crawling speed: the faster spot crawls the more reddish is a stripe
- Blue color means that the spot doesn't move upon diamond tilting
- Green color means that the spot crawls as fast as one from a tilting mirror
- Yellow - is a little faster
- Red color denotes the fastest spots
Spherical 10-degree step latitude grids are displayed on the DETAS panel along with the marker of space occupied by observer's head indicated by white circle.
Statistics diagrams
The diagrams show the statistic properties of the light ray's trip across the gemstone crystal in the course of rendering.
The maximum angle of chromatic dispersion is angle weighted with ray energy and average ray path inside the crystal and is represented with different colors for each spot of the diamond picture. This is enabled for all stones and will assist in estimating the potential to see a dispersion feature as the proportions are adjusted (remember that what is shown is a face up view and we actually see two versions of a gem - one with each eye, so we can see twice as many fiery flashes than this mono-scopic view).
Intensity weighted dispersion indicate the intensity of a fiery flash from a spot on the gem. You can see there are flashes with high angular dispersion, red and yellow, in the image on the left that are so widely dispersed that their intensity on the middle image indicates they might be hard to see, especially in a brightly illuminated room.
The third image, on the right, indicates the ray path length as a function of the stones average diameter. Note, this is longer in the part of the stone that has many small virtual facets because the ray is bouncing around several times before emerging, a crushed ice appearance, and shorter in the mid section of the stone where much of the light has very few internal reflections.
Chromatic dispersion statistics diagram |
Intensity weighted dispersion statistics diagram |
Ray path statistics diagram |
Chromatic dispersion statistics diagram: maximum angle of chromatic dispersion is sampled throughout the diamond picture.
Color band at the right shows the values scale in degrees. |
Intensity weighted dispersion statistics diagram: maximum value of the ray's brightness time's its chromatic dispersion angle is sampled throughout the diamond picture.
Color band at the right shows the values scale in degrees times fraction of unity. |
Ray path statistics diagram: average path the light ray traveled inside the diamond is sampled throughout the diamond picture.
Color band at the right shows the values scale in units of the diamond's diameter. |
New options in panorama zones control are available. To modify panorama zones check Enable Light Hemisphere in the tab Panorama section Hemisphere.
To configure inner zone border:
- Click on trianglein the zones diagram
- Move triangle to make the zone smaller or larger
If two triangles are placed close -a number will appear to indicate how many triangles are there in one place
If the borders or the triangles are moved the zone behind these two zones will appear inside
To remove the zone:
- Left click inside the zone to select it. For example, select red zone
- Press button Remove Zone
- Red zone is removed
To switch between the zones use the new control buttons
Also use new Hot keys to switch between the zones Ñtrl + < and Ctrl + >
Zoom of Zones control section is available. It is useful if there are a lot of thin zones.
To zoom Zones control section:
- Press button Zoomin the section Hemisphere
- The new separate window Light Hemisphere appears
- Make changes in the Zones control
- Press OK to apply changes