Applicable to brilliant
Painting parameter defines deviation of halves' facet azimuths from
ideal. For each lower and upper facet software calculates difference
between azimuth of this facet and azimuth of the nearest main facet.
The ideal brilliant will always have this difference equal to 11.25
degrees. Real stone may have some deviations. So, deviation of this
difference from ideal 11.25 degrees is the (signed) value of the
"painting, degrees" parameter.
"painting, notches" is defined as following:
painting, notches = abs(painting,degrees)/3.75 <degrees>
It is the same deviation but unsigned and dimensionless.
Such deviations from ideal lead to changes in the girdle shape. They
may make girdle thinner or thicker.
Besides numerical values we introduce text descriptions for these
deviations. The "painting, text" parameter may be one of the
following depending on the "painting,notches" (average) value:
(0.0 - 0.1) Negligible
(0.1 - 0.3) Very small
(0.3 - 0.8) Small
(0.8 - 1.2) Moderate
(1.2 - 1.8) Large
(1.8 - 2.2) Very large
(2.2 - oo) Maximum
And there is one more text description of the whole girdle for crown
and pavilion sides: "Crown type" and "Pavilion type". It may be one of
the following: "Painting" or "Digging" or empty. If painting parameter
is rated as "Absent", the "type" is empty. Otherwise the
"painting,degrees" (average) parameter is considered. If it is less
than 0, the type is "Painting", otherwise it is "Digging".
Please see the parameters in the reports:
Comprehensive list of the Helium report parameters:
Measurements are used in different systems and tools: